Titan Magnum RAM

1660,00 SEK
1660,00 SEK
1660,00 SEK
1660,00 SEK
1660,00 SEK
Utveckling av Titan RAM och superRAM. Gummibaserat material med koniskt utformade armhållare. The newest and most revolutionized bench press aid (patent pending) on the market is designed and constructed by Titan Support Systems. The Magnum Ram (patent pending) is one of the strongest and most durable Bench Press aids on the market.


Titan Magnum RAM

Utveckling av Titan RAM och superRAM. Gummibaserat material med koniskt utformade armhållare.

The newest and most revolutionized bench press aid (patent pending) on the market is designed and constructed by Titan Support Systems. The Magnum Ram (patent pending) is one of the strongest and most durable Bench Press aids on the market.


Features Titan Support Systems designed the Magnum Ram (patent pending) with two thoughts in mind; Power and therapeutic response. The Magnum ram is designed and constructed with a patent pending rubber that has the strongest elasticity to create the strongest stretch and rebound to assist in your overloading and rehabilitation phases.
Our bench press aid is designed to assist the lifter in maintaining perfect form, while reducing any stress on your shoulders, rotator cuff, and pectoralis muscles.
If you need support for that big bench or just need to protect your shoulders and pecs, get a Magnum ram (patent pending) now.

Storlekar: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Färg: Svart eller Blå

Storlekstabell - Bröstmått:
S: ca 81-91 cm
M: ca 96-107 cm
L: ca 112-122 cm
XL: ca 127-137 cm



Artnr: R506-L
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: R506-M
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: R506-S
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: R506-XL
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: R506-XXL
Lagerstatus: I lager


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