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Ironmind Left-Turn Gripper

399,00 SEK Ord. Pris (525,00 SEK)
399,00 SEK Ord. Pris (525,00 SEK)
399,00 SEK Ord. Pris (525,00 SEK)
399,00 SEK Ord. Pris (525,00 SEK)


Left-Turn Grippers

En serie grippers från IRONMIND i högsta kvalitet framtagna för att ge samma förutsättning och känsla vid träning av vänster hand som när du tränar höger hand med en CoC gripper. Left Turn Gripper är spegelvänd jämfört CoC Gripper. På Left-Turn grippers är fjädern lindad åt höger håll dvs motsatt jämfört en CoC gripper. Är du vänsterhänt eller greppfantast som ytterligare vill utmana dig själv, prova då Ironminds Left-Turn Grippers. Självklart kan du aven träna höger hand med Left-Turn Gripper.

Ironmind rekommenderar träning med korta pass, få repetitioner. Använd hög intensitet och kraft.


LT Trainer ca 45 kg (100 lb.)

LT-1 ca 64 kg (140 lb.)

LT-2 ca 89 kg (195 lb.)

LT-3 ca 127 kg (280 lb.)


IronMind's proprietary GR8-L™ springs: precise, durable, good-looking
Black anodized aircraft-grade aluminum handles*
Precision manufacturing and peerless build quality for world-class performance
IronMind® stamped in the clear band mid-handle and model at the end of the handle
Captains of Crush Compatible (CoC2)

We treat lefties right

Most people who train with grippers think they feel fine in both hands, but if you think your left hand has gotten short shrift, IronMind's Left-Turn grippers might be for you: they're tailor-made for lefties. They feature:

IronMind's proprietary GR8-L™ springs: precise, durable, good-looking
Black anodized aircraft-grade aluminum handles*
Precision manufacturing and peerless build quality for world-class performance
IronMind® stamped in the clear band mid-handle and model at the end of the handle
Captains of Crush Compatible (CoC2)

*Just like the finish on your new car, if appearance is important to you, don't beat on the surface of your Left-Turn grippers as this could damage the anodizing; on the other hand, if this happens, don't lose any sleep over it because it is purely cosmetic and will not affect the functionality of the gripper.

Left-Turn grippers come in 4 strengths for maximum results:

No. 1485 LT Trainer — c. 100 lb.
No. 1486 LT 1 — c. 140 lb.
No. 1487 LT 2 — c. 195 lb.
No. 1488 LT 3 — c. 280 lb.

What's special about Left-Turn grippers?

IronMind's world famous Captains of Crush® grippers, as well as most others, use what are called left-hand wind springs, and gripsters around the planet successfully train both their right and left hands with them, but some people think grippers feel slightly different in their left hand than in their right. Of course, part of this could be differences in hand position, hand dominance, or hand strength, but it could also be due to differences in the geometry of left-hand and right-hand wind springs.

Left-Turn grippers use what are called right-hand wind springs, the opposite of CoC grippers, and if that sounds confusing or backwards, the simple thing to remember is that if your trusty Captains of Crush (CoC) gripper doesn't feel quite the same in your left hand as in your right, grab an IronMind Left-Turn gripper and train with it exactly as you would with a CoC gripper.

Training with Left-Turn grippers

How do you train for best results with a Left-Turn gripper? Exactly the same way as with a Captains of Crush gripper—so your focus will be on short, high-intensity workouts that reflect the general principles of progressive resistance training. Don't worry—if that sounds like a mouthful of words, what you do in practice is simple: low reps, maximum effort, and so forth, with all the details spelled out in the training booklet for Captains of Crush grippers. A copy of the Captains of Crush instruction booklet is included to guide your Left-Hand gripper training.

Remember, you can train either hand with your Left-Turn grippers—just as you can use either hand when training with your Captains of Crush grippers.


Artnr: IM1485
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: IM1486
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: IM1487
Lagerstatus: I lager
Artnr: IM1488
Lagerstatus: I lager


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I slutet av 80-talet började Ironmind sin resa genom att sälja träningstidningar, en kort tid därefter utökades sortimentet med både böcker och träningsutrustning. Sedan år 2000 har dom fokuserat på enbart på sina träningsprodukter. De tillverkar produkter med en enkel design som ska vara okomplicerade att använda, de går efter “less is more”. Ironmind mål är att utövaren med hjälp av deras produkter kunna ta sin tränings till nästa nivå, bli ännu starkare och slå fler rekord.

Hos oss på PowerZite hittar du flertalet av deras produkter bland annat deras populära handgripper Captain Of Crush som finns i 11 olika styrkor.

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