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Hookgrip Weightlifting Straps Black

299,00 SEK
Kraftiga Dragremmar i läder & nylon från Hookgrip. Ihopsydda ändar. Vänster- Höger konfig. Längd ca 28.5cm, Bredd ca 2.5cm. Perfekt för ryck träning. Funkar givetvis även till allehanda dragövningar och marklyft etc. Färg: Svart


Kraftiga Dragremmar i läder & nylon från Hookgrip.
Ihopsydda ändar. Vänster- Höger konfig. Längd ca 28.5cm, Bredd ca 2.5cm. Perfekt för ryck träning. Funkar givetvis även till allehanda dragövningar och marklyft etc.
Färg: Svart


Very heavy duty heavyweight leather/nylon lifting straps. These straps use leather on the part that will be in contact with your wrist and nylon for the part that will be in contact with the bar. The idea is the comfort of leather with the durability of nylon. Purposefully, the leather overlaps inside of the nylon, to ensure that the sharper sealed ends of the nylon don’t come in contact with the wrist. The leather and nylon are attached with a double overlapped box x sewing pattern for an extremely secure hold.

The strap ends are sewn closed with an L and an R to denote the left and right hand straps — you should be able to see the L and R at the end of the straps when putting them on, otherwise you have something mixed up. The leather label also is oriented so you’ll be able to read it when wearing the strap correctly.

As always, before you use straps on heavy snatch attempts, teach yourself how to fail and properly release the straps. These straps are much easier to release than most but it is still possible to get caught in them if you are not familiar with releasing them. In general, straps are not recommending when cleaning except by the most experienced lifters and even then, they can hurt themselves.

Made in the USA at the hookgrip warehouse.


Artnr: 6302103
Lagerstatus: I lager


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Hookgrip är ett företag som har sin bas i USA och utvecklar prisvärda produkter med hög kvalitet.

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